Saturday, November 6, 2010

Otiorhynchus Sulcatus - Leaf Eating Weevil


Photo by me on my white garden table

This little monster is known in german as the "Dickmaulrüssler" (the thick mouthed trunk, literally translated) and I found the translation in Wikipedia. If you want to know the biological details and life of him then have a look in Internet. He turns up in my garden starting in Spring and by the time Autumn arrives he has eaten his way through half the leaves in my garden. The roses suffer, the privet suffers and anything with a green fleshy leaf suffers. He prefers the thicker leaves. The leaves have a round pattern where it has eaten away what it wants. Of course you can spray all the bushes with some sort of insect poison, but I have a couple of cats and do not want them to be poisoned as well. All that is left for me to do is take photos of the little monster. When the colder weather arrives he even has the cheek to come inside and crawl around. They seem to prefer white surfaces, luckily, so that you can see them better.


  1. Terrific photo! Is this the little bugger that's chewing notches in my leaves?

  2. Yes that's the one. I think you can stop them with a mass murder, but it means using somethning poisonous.

  3. I know I can stop them with diomataceous earth, which isn't poisonous. The challenge that I've had with it the last couple of seasons is that during the time in early spring that I should be applying it it's been raining, and wet DE doesn't work. So I'm gonna keep persevering, and I might even fence off that area of the front yard and let my chickens loose in there to eat the buggies.

  4. I love the photo it is perfect in detail Pat.
    I think you have a great idea there to bring the chickens into the yard. Amy..I do love the benefits of chooks in the yard.
    Loved your article Pat...thanks.

  5. Sure hope I don't have any of these little pests.


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