Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Open Garden Scheme. Your Garden Photo Wanted Now.

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Being Spring here in Australia, we have the usual out door expos and garden shows going on now. One in particular is the Open Garden Scheme. Here where I live there are some beautiful gardens and these are opened up for a few hours on certain days of the week for the public to walk through and view. The rewards are magnificent and show all the hard work and effort these keen gardeners have put into place in their gardens in preparation for Spring. Some of us are more admirers of such gardens rather than owners. One of my friends has such a garden and a gold coin is payed as a donation at her gate with the proceeds going to her favourite charity. I believe that she donated about four thousand dollars last year from donations this combined with what she also made from selling her two dollar potted plants. The pots containing strikings from the garden taken from the many plants that will 'strike' and grow using this method.

By The Way the Government here pays the same amount back to the charity as my friend gives to them making the sum Eight Thousand dollars in total that the charity then receives. Such a worthy scheme and very satisfying for all concerned.

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Now I am suggesting a plan for this group. I think we need an album here that contains at least one good photo of your favourite, thing, area, flower, tree or piece of paraphernalia from your own personal patch of garden. My thoughts are that you leave a link to the photo and a description here in the comments section below and either Keith or myself will pick the photo and description up and place it in the Album Marked: Guru's Gardens World Wide.  This album will contain one to six photos of your choice from your personal garden. However if you do have an open garden scheme near you please share some of those photos too. Just tell us a bit about the garden you are showing. If you are lucky enough to have quite a few photos, then please consider making a blog or an album of those photos and information separately.


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Now one more thing before I conclude here. I am asking you to invite your friends along too and because we are small on numbers I am sure that you know others from various parts of the globe who would love to share their garden photo with us here. You can encourage them to come and look and also join our group. The more the merrier and remember this is a sharing group here and we all need to make the contributions as best we can. Does it sound like a fun idea? Please let me know below?

May the Peas Be with You All this Week and Happy Snapping.


Open Garden Scheme Hyperlinks Below

Amy's Boise Open Garden Tour 2008


  1. Very interesting idea! I've been thinking about re-posting over here my blog about the local garden tour, so I think I'll do that! I'd also be interested in contributing photos of my own garden, since I wasn't on the tour ;-)

  2. Wonderful Amy. When you do the Open Garden Scheme post please refer to this post if you don't mind. That way we have a connection via a link if you will kindly place it in your post when you transfer it over as this post can also work as a referral base for Open Gardens posts to come. I look forward to your photos too!! Thank You.

  3. Absolutely stunning Spring photos, wink, nudge nudge lol

  4. I just added a hyperlink to this post and used your tag so as others join the fun it will all be coordinated :-)

  5. hey Milli this is wonderful and the photos are exquisite! Looks like you may have started a bit of movement in the 'Garden of Gurus' so am curious to see where it all goes to from here. I am back 100% now as of this day all the personal stuff is put to rest and I am about to 'bud up' but I mean as in flowers not get a bong out and down a few! God Bless you Guru Milli!


  6. I shall have to send some pictures of my garden..thanks for inviting me milli..all I need now is to learn how I put my garden pictures in..lol "Y'all have a lovely day in the garden"


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