This one is easy to remove.
Some of you know that early August we were called back from vacation because the ice hose maker flooded our house. Late summer and early fall flower bed duties just was not on the agenda. I always let the plants die back and remove the dead things early in the spring but this year it will be quite a job as lots of weeds and grass besides all the blown in weeds like tumble weeds (see the video I posted today). I do have a girl that wants to earn some money and help clean up the beds. I hope that works out. Today instead of it being a horse day, it was a bit of work in the yard. I got the red hot pokers trimmed and a little bit of the tumble weeds removed -- then was requested to show before and after photos. I sure hope the after looks better than these before. Tonight my allergies are in full swing. Face, eyes, etc itch. Headed for the shower for some relief. This bed is 180' long that borders two sides of the front yard.